// Completed: January 24th 1998 // Simon Knowles / Macro #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "shapes.inc" #include "columns.inc" #include "finish.inc" #include "skies.inc" // camera {location < -6, 14, 12 > look_at < 0, 0, 0 >} // camera {location < -6, 14, 10 > look_at < 0, 0, 0 >} // very high-angle from the right // camera {location < 8, 10, -8 > look_at < 0, 0, 0 >} // angle down from left // camera {location < -2, 0, 10 > look_at < 0, 0, 0 >} // from the right, ground level // camera {location < -3, 10, 10 > look_at < 0, 0, 0 >} // bird's-eye view camera {location < 7, 0, 10 > look_at < 0, 0, 0 >} // head-on // camera {location < 3, 0, 10 > look_at < 0, 0, 0 >} // original sky_sphere { S_Cloud4 } light_source { 0*x // light's position (translated below) color rgb <1,1,1> // light's color spotlight // this kind of light source translate <1, 20, 50> // position of light point_at <0, 0, 0> // direction of spotlight radius 1 // hotspot (inner, in degrees) tightness 1 // tightness of falloff (1...100) lower is softer, higher is tighter falloff 8 // intensity falloff radius (outer, in degrees) } light_source { 1*x // light's position (translated below) color rgb <1,1,1> // light's color spotlight // this kind of light source cylinder // this variation translate <0, 20, 0> // position of light point_at <0, 0, 0> // direction of spotlight radius 5 // hotspot (inner, in degrees) tightness 50 // tightness of falloff (1...100) lower is softer, higher is tighter falloff 8 // intensity falloff radius (outer, in degrees) } light_source { 0*x color rgb 1.0 // light's color area_light <8, 0, 0> <0, 0, 8> // lights spread out across this distance (x * z) 4, 4 // total number of lights in grid (4x*4z = 16 lights) adaptive 2 // 0,1,2,3... jitter // adds random softening of light translate <0, 20, 0> // position of light } plane { y, -1.0 pigment{color blue 1.2 red 0.9 green 1.1 filter 1} finish {ambient 0.4 diffuse 0.2 reflection .5 refraction 1 ior .7 roughness .4 fade_distance 2 fade_power 8 irid {.4 turbulence 1 thickness .5} } } // Drag from columns.inc cylinder1 cylinder2 cylinder3 cylinder4 cylinder5 cylinder6 sphere { <2.5,1.5,5>, 1 pigment { White filter 1 } finish { ambient 0 diffuse 0 reflection .45 refraction 1 ior 1.35 specular 1 roughness .001 fade_distance 4 fade_power 1.5 } }