WEDGE: Hey! What's the matter? Do you know something we don't......? GIRL: ...... WEDGE: Where's that light coming from?! Uwaaaaaaa!!!! The frozen creature began emitting an eerie light...... Girl: ...... ...... ...... VICKS: Hey! Wedge......where are you? W......what's happening?! VICKS: Hold it! Think back to our briefing...... WEDGE: What about it?! VICKS: Do you recall hearing about a monster that eats lightning...... WEDGE: ......and stores the energy in its shell! VICKS: Right. So whatever you do, don't attack the shell! WEDGE: Alright already! These are a little tight, but the price was right. These are a little too big, but they'll do. LOCKE: Here we go! Stole his clothing, too!! Give it up, Vargas! VARGAS: Is that you, SABIN?! SABIN: Vargas, why'd you do it? How could you do your own father in like that?! VARGAS: Fool! He made the mistake of choosing you as his successor! He snubbed me, his only son! SABIN: No! You were the one he chose! VARGAS: You're a liar! SABIN: Our Master wanted you to be his successor, not me. He appreciated your fine spirit...... VARGAS: Enough of your lies! Now, have a taste of my superior technique! Mortal Attack! Blizzard Fist! VARGAS: Ahh, SABIN! The master taught you well! SABIN: I guess there's no avoiding this! VARGAS: Fate made us train together, and fate will send you to your doom! VARGAS: W......what the......?! He...... already taught you that?! SABIN: If only you hadn't been in such a rush for power...... KEFKA: Uwee, hee, hee! Good! Burn up everything! SABIN: I guess we thrashed it. EDGAR: Don't bet on it...... It's probably just hiding from us...... TERRA: Ewww!! Something's stuck to my leg! EDGAR: TERRA! Over here! BANON: It's all right now. SABIN: Watch out! I'm going to hit it with a Blitz! EDGAR: No! SABIN!! SABIN: Don't distract me, brother!! EDGAR: He's always been a tad zealous...... TERRA: SABIN......!!! BANON: Don't worry about him! EDGAR: Are you sure he's okay, Banon? BANON: You should know better than any of us! Any moment he'll flop right onto the raft! KEFKA: Yeouch!! SABIN: Kefka! Wait!!! KEFKA: "Wait," he says...... Do I look like a waiter? LOCKE: They seemed......angry. SETZER: Forget that...... what's with this vibration?! Is it from the Espers? SABIN: What the...? BANON: ...... ...... EDGAR: Seems a little too perky...... Ha...! TERRA: SABIN!!!!! EDGAR: SABIN!!!! Take care of yourself! GAU: Uwaou!!! You......strangers...! Go away! You scare animals! SABIN: What the...... CYAN: I'm CYAN and he's SABIN. GAU: You SABIN...... you CYAN, me want more food!! SABIN: No more for you. GAU: You go......get more for me. SABIN: You're a regular munchkin! SABIN: You wanna fight? GAU: Me not wanna hurt you...... SABIN: Stop looking at me like that! GAU: Me like dancing! You good leader! SABIN: Shut up!! CYAN: Simmer down, sirs! And thou, o wild one...... who might thou be? GAU: Thou? GAU: Thou! Thou! GAU: You angry? GAU: CYAN! You SABIN: Listen, his family was just...... GAU: Me sorry. Me not mean person...... CYAN: Thou art so......odd. SABIN: Wheeze......puff......! You're pretty tough! A shiny thing, eh...? Think how jealous LOCKE's gonna be when he hears about this! VARGAS: Time to put an end to this! SABIN The Master's teachings...... Must use a Blitz technique...... Choose Blitz, press the Control Pad left, right, left, then press the A Button! How to use "Blitz": SABIN Choose Blitz, press the Control Pad left right left, then press A! KEFKA: It opened!! KEFKA: Earthquake......? TERRA!!! KEFKA: I, I, I, I feel so anxious. Something's coming!!! KEFKA: Frightful energy!! KEFKA: Uwaaa! TERRA: ......... K...... Kefka!! You followed us! KEFKA: U'hee, hee, heeee!!!! The Emperor was right! Let TERRA fall into your hands, and you'd open the gate for us...! ......! KEFKA: How does it feel to know you've been working for us?! KEFKA: Now I fear you've outlived your usefulness...... You'd better think again, Kefka! KEFKA: Oh dear...... you wanna fight me?! This is just dreadful! Keep Kefka busy until TERRA slips through the gate!! LOCKE: What's wrong, TERRA? TERRA: I can feel it...... It's coming closer and closer... LOCKE: What do you mean you can feel it? TERRA: It was......glowing! LOCKE: What's that? LOCKE: It can't be......! An Esper??? LOCKE: It's coming!!! Watch out, TERRA!! SETZER: What was that!? LOCKE: SETZER, get down! SETZER: Gulp......Espers......? LOCKE: Where are they going? TERRA: They were mad...... TERRA: No...... Stop...! Please, don't go!! EDGAR: Um......SETZER !!!! I've lost control!!! RELM: Grandpa! I'm here......! STRAGO: RELM! I told you to stay at home! RELM: I couldn't miss the chance to practice my drawing! Say, sweetie, who are you? ULTROS: How dare you! I'm Ultros!! LOCKE: RELM and Ultros...... What ARE you doing......? RELM: Listen, Ulty...... Why don't you pose for me? ULTROS: I'm not one of your kiddy friends! Don't talk to me as if I were!! I don't want a portrait! RELM: Forget it! I don't wanna draw it anymore! RELM: It's okay...... I'll just jump down from here. TERRA: No!! You can't do that!!! Whisper, whisper...... TERRA: How dare you bother that little girl! I'm not going to forgive you if you hurt her!! ULTROS: Well, whadduya want I should do? LOCKE: Ask her to draw your portrait. She may actually make you look pleasant! KEFKA: Ah......Leo......always the consummate soldier...... LEO: Where are you, Kefka...... Show yourself!! KEFKA: E M P E R O R G E S T A H L...... I need you here...... EMPEROR GESTAHL: Leo...... LEO: My liege! I'm sorry I deceived even you, Leo. My purpose has been to gather Magicite, and grow powerful...... Please understand me...... LEO: But, Emperor...! GESTAHL: Don't say anything. I understand how you feel. KEFKA: Uwee, hee, hee...... That's right! What we have to do now is to collect Magicite! LEO: But my liege......what have I been fighting for...? GESTAHL: Leo, I'd like you to take a nice, long snooze...! Very long! Uwa, ha! LEO: !!! KEFKA: think you hit me?! That was simply my shadow! And how did you like my Gestahl? I should've been on the stage! Well, General...... You're such a goody two-shoes! LEO: Shut up, Kefka! I oughtta...... KEFKA: Oh! A threat...? You're such a violent little brute! I'll tell your "liege" I had to exterminate a traitor...! KEFKA: Hate......hate......HATE!! TERRA: What!? What am I feeling?! TERRA: Huh? W......what's going on......? TERRA: Please......tell me! Who am I? WHO?! LOCKE: TERRA! CELES: An Esper...... I can actually feel its mind...... EDGAR: TERRA...... Step away from the Esper...... And now, please continue your quest! CYAN: Look! We can't have ye two prancing 'round all day! GAU, I think we're going to get on well together. Why don't you join us? GAU: Ah! I give you present! GAU give CYAN and SABIN nice gift in thanks for food! SABIN: What manner of rubbish do you suppose he's gonna...? GAU: GAU's treasure...... shiny, shiny!! Shiny, shiny, shiny!!! SABIN: Can anything be THAT shiny? GAU: Does Mr. Thou like shiny thing? SABIN: Mr. Thou's that one, over THERE!! GAU: Who be LOCKE? He bad man? Maybe he try steal my treasure! SABIN: LOCKE? Well, he's...... SABIN: Listen when someone's talking to you! CYAN: I think he's trying to tell us something! SABIN: Urgh...... all right......carry on...... GAU: Here! Here! Shiny thing here!! GAU: SABIN, place where you buy food... it called Mobliz! GAU: CYAN, place where you stand...... river brought you there...... Now, we go Crescent Mountain! Shiny thing, there! CYAN: Look, let's just go along with him to this Crescent Mountain. SABIN: Phew...... why'd we invite him along, anyway...? GAU: Mr. Thou! Hurry up! We're leaving!! SABIN: Hey! I told you once, I'm not Mr. Thou!!! 1. Choose "Leap", a command that only appears when you are on the Veldt. 2. Keep fighting on the Veldt, and GAU will reappear. He'll have learned the... 3. ...attacks of the monsters you were fighting when he leapt and returned! Uwaau~!! 4. Choose the command "Rage" and you can use any of the attacks he's learned. KAPPA: Here's how to build up GAU's skills. LOCKE: EDGAR, What's the matter? You look positively spooked! EDGAR: Dddddddid you just see what I saw...? LOCKE: Yeah......this kid seems loaded for bear...... EDGAR: She's amazing! That was magic! M A G I C! LOCKE: M M M M M M M MAGIC?! She used magic? EDGAR LOCKE: Pswswswsw! pswswswsw!! EDGAR: TERRA......where on earth did you learn that? TERRA: ......... Sorry......I...... um...... LOCKE: Look, I didn't mean to make such a big deal of this...... EDGAR: Me either...... it's just that I've never actually SEEN magic before! Where did you...? TERRA: ...... LOCKE: EDGAR, TERRA can use magic, and we can't. That's the only difference between us. The fact is......we could use her help! TERRA: Thank you, LOCKE! TERRA: Thank you, EDGAR! Stop swooning...! EDGAR: ......! CELES: TunnelArmr!! I'll draw its magic attack. It won't hurt us. LOCKE: Come again?! CELES: I can simply absorb the attack with my Runic Blade. LOCKE: Are you sure you'll be okay?! CELES: Just you watch!! KEFKA: Imagine! Thinking you could defeat ME!! This is rich! Mwa, ha, ha! KEFKA: Now, my little Magicite pretties...... come, and help me build the magical empire of "Kefka"! KEFKA: G'haw, haw...... Ooh! They're warm to the touch! What treasures! Wait! We're here to help! Hurry! Get going! We've no time to lose! 1. Choose "Blitz" and press the A Button. 2. When the cursor appears, enter your technique. 3. Using the Control Pad, press left, right, and left again. 4. Finally, press the A Button to engage the attack. 5. If you make a mistake, nothing will happen. Relax, there's no need to hurry! GESTAHL: Kefka! Are you nuts?! KEFKA: Nuts...?! Emperor! Don't disturb me! I'm showing them the meaning of power! GESTAHL: I don't think so, friend. Your days are now over. GESTAHL: Now relax...... I'm simply going to put you to sleep with the very power you unleashed...... GESTAHL: What's so funny?! GESTAHL: Very well. It is only fitting that you go to sleep laughing! Fire 3!!! Flare!!! GESTAHL: N......noooo!! Why isn't my magic working?! Merton!!! GESTAHL: K......Kefka!!!!!! GESTAHL: How are you doing this?! KEFKA: How? Simple! I'm standing within the field of the Statues! Their strong field absorbs all magic sent their way! Or didn't you notice?! GESTAHL: ............!!! KEFKA: And now, Statues! You've shown me a sign! It is time you show this old man your true power! GESTAHL: No! Kefka!! Don't do something stupid...... KEFKA: I command you, Statues!!! KEFKA: I......incredible! KEFKA: You're way off!!!! Where're you aiming?! KEFKA: Whoa! More to the right! KEFKA: Run! Run! Or you'll be well done! KEFKA: YES!!! KEFKA: Poor old...... Oh well, what a worthless excuse of an Emperor!! LOCKE: Don't be so heartless! ULTROS: ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Oh, all right, Uncle Ulty REALLY wants you to do his portrait!!! RELM: Hee, hee, hee... You're gonna love it! STRAGO: At any rate, come here! WREXSOUL: I'm gonna possess your body! I'll only appear in this form again when you're about to expire! KEFKA: Life... Dreams... Hope... Where'd they come from? And where are they headed...? These things... I am going to destroy!! GAU: And you......afraid of me! GAU: Wah, ha! That fun! You strong! SHADOW: My job here's over. I've earned my fee! SHADOW: Ta-ta......! GAU: Uwaoo~!!