82A8-776D + DD08-77AD Kill enemies with 1 hit, Enemies can't hurt you EEA8-77DD Lower byte, HP you recover after death D7A8-770D Higher byte. (1023 HP after death) Chest in Potos Village: FE6B-8F38 Takes you to Ending Screen. F36B-8D18 + BF6B-8DC8 Gives you Mana Sword. FA6B-8D18 + DF6B-8DC8 Calls Flammie. D3 - Shop DE - Forge Weapon FDxx to F9xx - Dialogue. F0 - Banished from Potos Village F1 - Jema in the Water Palace F6xx FBxx FCxx F8xx - Warp Points. F6DD - First Stage F8EE - Last Stage FA - Calls Flammie FB - Worldmap Sinking (start of game). F3xx - Gives you a weapon/item. FE - Ending