Date: Mon, 21 Feb 1994 09:06:03 EST From: To: Subject: Wild Magic Spells Hi, you asked me for the spell's I was talking about in one of the messages I posted. I had already changed them slightly, but I'm sending them as I remember them being with my changes in parentheses. >From someone named Kris: Raztak's Target Spell ( Divination ) Wild Magic LEVEL: 2 RANGE: 0 COMPONENTS: V, S DURATION: 1 Round / Level CASTING TIME: 2 AREA OF EFFECT: 30' Radius SAVING THROW: Neg EXPLANATION / DESCRIPTION: When this spell is cast, every mage in the area of effect has to save vs. spells. Those who fail have a BIG glowing, flashing, neon sign saying " I'm a Wizard, Hit Me ! " and an arror pointing at them pop up. A normal mage has a sign that changes colors, but a specialist has one of a specific color. The colors are: Specialist Type: Color: Abjurer Purple Conjurer Green Diviner Yellow Enchanter Violet Illusionist Blue Invoker Red Necromancer Black Transmuter Orange ( These aren't the original colors, but I don't know the originals now ) The sign of an elementalist will be surrounded by his element. The sign of a wild mage is most spectacular. It hsd light bulbs of all colors flashing around it. It turns around, spining on it's axis as it shrinks and enlages at random and bobs up and down. The spell was first cast by Raztak at a wizard academy, with a spectacular result, his tutor almost strangled him for it. The next two were created by the Grey Elf mage Natasha, played by George S. Bounoutas. I though they were a little powerful: Natasha's Fucked-Up Wildarmor ( I'd eliminate the vulgarity ) ( Conjuration/Summoning ), Wild Magic LEVEL: 2 ( 3 ) RANGE: 0 COMPONENTS: V, S DURATION: 1 Turn / Level ( 5 Rounds+1 Round / Level ) CASTING TIME: 2 AREA OF EFFECT: Caster SAVING THROW: None EXPLINATION/DESCRIPTION: When a mage casts Natasha's Wildarmor, his or her body begins to radiate wild magis. Whenever he is subsequently struck ( in melee combat ), a wild surge is rolled. The attacker is treated as both the caster and the target dor determining the effects of the surge. Any area effect surge will affect the mage who cast the Wildarmor as well. Natasha's Nasty Wildmine ( Conjuration/Summoning, Enchantment ) Wild Magic LEVEL: 2 ( 4 ) RANGE: TOUCH COMPONENTS: V, S, M DURATION: Until Set off CASTING TIME: 1 Round AREA OF EFFECT: 1 Object SAVING THROW: None EXPLANATION/DESCRIPTION: When Natasha's Nasty Wildmine is cast, the mage must hold a chosen objec, which receives ans enchantment and thereafter radiates wild magic. The mage then places the item down on the ground, table, etc. The next time the object the spell was cast on is touched, even by the caster, a wild surge goes off. The object or creature that touches the object is treated as both the caster and target for determining the effects of the surge. The final two were from Marc Sherman, created by the mage Kasegott von Lieblingszigaretten. He has a big message how he copywrighted it and they could only be used if he and his mage were given credit. I do't know if he really went to the touble, but here they are: Kasegott's Chaotic Keenness ( Alteration ), Wild Magic LEVEL: 1 RANGE: 0 COMPONENTS: V, S, M DURATION: 1 Rround / 2 levels CASTING TIME: 1 AREA OF EFFECT: Caster SAVING THROW: None EXPLINATION/DESCRIPTION: This spell grants the caster a +1 bonus to sibsegent rolls on the level variation table, fount in the Tome of Magic, Table 1, pp6. It also affects wild surges, giving a +1% bonus to the roll. The material component is a rabbit's foot, four-leaf clover, or other good luck charm. The charm can not be purchasedm the caster must create the charm on his own. Thus, a mage woudl have to catch a rabbit, killit, and cure it's foor; ot find a four-leaf clover in a patch. Any charn may be ruled valid by the DM, though it must be similarly difficult to come by. The charm isn't consumed by the spell, but a fragile or perishable charm should be suitable preserved. Kasegott's Neon Hit Points ( Divination ), Wild Magic LEVEL: 2 RANGE: 0 COMPONENTS: V, S, M DURATION: 1 Round / Level CASTING TIME: 1 AREA OF EFFECT: 60' Radius from Caster SAVING THROW: None EXPLINATION/DESCRIPTION: Kaegott's Neon Hit Points affect a number of creatures within the area of effect equal to half the caster's level rounded up. The affecte creatures are randomly determined from all in the area of effect, not including the caster. Note the spell does not desctiminate between the caster's friends and foes. The spell causes the target's hit points to flash in a bright neon color above the target's head. This number will appear in the native language of the caster, anyone who can read the language can read the number. Creatures who are held, petrified, asleep, unconscious, or otherwise inactive are not indluded in the random determination. Creatures who are invisible, hiding in shadows, or otherwise unknown to the caster are likewise not included. A creature under the effects of an illusion which the caster has not dibeleived will have the illusory hit points flash, rather than the actual hit point values. The restrictions apply only to the inital random determination of targets. If an affected creature later becomes unconscious, petrified, invisible, etc., the hit points continue to flash over their head. If one of tha targets was under the effect of an illusion which the caster subsequently disbeleives, or that has it's duration expire, the neon hit points update to show the new perceived value. While the concept of hit points if one of game mechanics, and in actuality has no meaning to character's observing the effect of the spell, the number show can still be used as a relative measure of the strength and health of the characters affected. The material component is a piece of colored glass. And thats all of them. BTW, I'm reatively new to the internet and would like to get a copy of the great net spellbook / prayerbook. I belevie it is in revision, at least some post somewhere said so. But, when it's done, could you send be some info on how to get it? Thanx From: Date: Sat, 12 Feb 1994 22:28:42 GMT Subject: wild magic spell I've got several new wild magic spells from the "Single Wild Wizard" discussion, so here's one of my own: Maze Run ( Divination ) Wild Magic LEVEL: 4 RANGE: Touch COMPONENTS: V, S, M DURATION: 1 Turn Per Level CASTING TIME: 4 AREA OF EFFECT: 1 Creature SAVING THROW: Special In the casting of Maze Run, a mage attempts to bestow upon the recipient a the ability to intuitively navigate the chaotic confines of any maze. The recipient must save vs. wands at a plus three bonus for the spell to have it's normal effect. If the save is failed, the recipient becomes unable to keep track of the simplest spatial relationships, and will effectively be lost for the duration of the spell. If the save is made the recipient becomes able to pick his way through any form of maze with unerring accuracy, always choosing the most direct, safest path possible. The saving throw must have been made by two more than the required number for this effect to take place in mazes with sliding/shifting walls, and must have been made by three or more to apply to mazes with more than three dimensions. The recipient must make the save by fice or more to navigate mazes with more than three dimsensions and sliding/shifting walls. The recipient of a successful Maze Run is immune to the eighth level mage spell Maze for the duration of the Maze Run. The material component of maze run is a hair from a living white rat.