Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1993 15:29:16 EST Reply-To: PARGWE@MOREKYPR.bitnet Subject: New Mage Spell! ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- New 5th Level Spell Globe of Fire Level: 5 Casting: 4 Dur: 1 round per level or until dispelled Comp: V,S,M Range: 0' AoE: 2 foot per level or less Save: vs Spells Globe of Fire is a Mages last line of Defense. When cast, a Fireball goes off, centered on the Mage. However, the caster takes no damage from this Fireball, and can act as if the Fire does no exist (ie, can see and hear normally). Any creature within 5 ft per level of the caster takes 1d6 per level of the caster. Notice that the Actual Area of Effect is left up to the caster, though the maximium distance is 2 foot per level. Also, the spell lasts for a short while, protecting the mage from physical attacks (ie swords, arrows, claws miss sinse the Mage is effectively shielded from view), Spells (Fire based spells add an extra round per damge die, Cold base halves the duration, and all other spells are left up to the DM), Breath Weapons, and Gaze attacks. As example, Jasper the Mage is in way over his head. While traveling, he was beset by 20 bandits. So, he casts _Globe of Fire_ to keep the attackers at bay. Since he is a 10th level mage, a Globe of Fire springs up that is 20 feet in diameter. Anyone caught in the Area of Effect takes 10d6 damage, taking half if saved. However, note that Jasper's horse is probably dead... =) New 8th Level Spell Bone to Dust Level: 8 Casting: 5 Dur: special Comp: V,S,M Range: 20' AoE: 2 foot per level or less Save: vs Spells it's just an idea, but the way it would work is that a mage of 8th level can cast the spell and have any living creature within the range affected by th e spell.. the spell has a percentage chance of backfiring and affecting the cas ter or affecting those in the same range, but opposite direction..( instead of affecting the monster in 10 feet in front of you... it affects a party member 1 0 feet behind you....) the percentage chance of backfiring is 5%... with an added 3% factors such as minor spell concentration interuption, physical status of the caster (hungry o r ill or thirsty or or tired or injured (anything that might keep his mind off full concentration of the spell)... so if a mage if hungry, sick, and injured there is a 14% chance it will backfire... if it does backfire.. than it comes down to a random factor as to if it affects the caster, hits the target but has undesired results, or affects wrong target with proper results.. . (a 1-2 roll for option 1, 3-4 roll for option 2, 5-6 roll for option 3: on a d6) the spell when cast properly will cause the living creature (providing it's a natomy is structured with bones) to have it's bones become brittle, and in 2 ro unds after succesful spell completion... the creature collapses under the weigh t of it's own body.. unable to function or move.. for it's bones have crumbled to dust..... since it is such a powerful spell... it must be safeguarded... so... the caster can only affect creatures that posses the hit dice that are withing range of the caster... it will affect 1 hit dice per level of caster.... so.. a level 10 caster can affect 10..... 1 hit dice low level monsters, or 2... 5 hit dice creatures... and so on...... it's only an idea i have been toying with......... it needs alot of modification... and work....... but i just want to trhow the idea out..... please.............. anyone who has comments.. or like the idea and wants to add their opinions and or improvement ideas... plese do so.... JIM