Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 15:19:28 -0400 From: BARD Subject: ADND-L:NEW SPELL hey all, i have this new spell that i'm thinking of letting an NPC throw at a group, whaddya think of it? Simon's Superior Spheres (Evocation) Wizard Level 5 Range: 40 yards + 10 yards/level Components: V,S,M Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 segments Area of Efect: 1 or more creatures in a 5' radius sphere Saving Throw: 1/2 damage (every round) Casting this spell creates up to five 1' diameter spheres of electrical energy to appear in near the caster's person. The spheres may be grasped by the caster, and only by the caster, and thrown to attack with. Any other than the caster who touches the spheres as they surround the caster is affected as if the sphere had been thrown at him. The spheres may thus be used as a defense of sorts, but are best used as an atta cking spell. The spheres are thrown as normal missle weapons by the caster with normal dexterity bonuses applicable, but no penalties for range of target from the caster so long as the target is within the range of the spell. Only two sphere's may be thrown per round. The spheres inflict 4d6 points of electrical damage, plus 1d6 points for every t wo levels of the caster above ninth (ie, 7d6 at 11th, 8d6 at 13th, etc.) Creatures with conducting materials on their bodies, either partially or totally (for instance, wearing metallic armor) are +3 (for partial) or +5 (for total) t obe hit by the caster with the sphere. A saving throw must be rolled each roun d of the sphere's duration; a successful save means the target takes half damage that round. The spheres last for 1 round plus 1 round every four levels of the caster. The spell itself lasts until all the spheres have been thrown or two rounds per level of the caster. The caster acquires one extra spere for every three levels (8 spheres at 9th, 9 at 12th, etc.). The caster can choose to generate any amount up to his full capacity. If a sphere strikes a reflective surface, it will reflect at a randomly determined angle. Any flat surface struck by a sphere must save vs electricity or be destroyed. If the surface saves, the sphere is reflected. (note: throwing a sphere into a corner will act as if thrown directly behind the caster) A sphere may set fire to combustibles, sunder wooden doors, splinter stone, and melt most precious metals. Unused spheres follow the caster around, acting as passive defense, as he moves; and they do not interfere with any auxillary spellcasting. The material components of this spell are a glass, crystal, or amber bead for each sphere created, and a bit of fur. The components are consumed during the casting.